Hyoro Bugyo (兵粮奉行)

Hyoro Bugyo or Konida Bugyo refers to a bugyo (magistrate) who was in charge of the transportation of provisions (konida) during marches and battles during the Sengoku period (period of Warring States) in Japan. The position was appointed only during wartime and did not exist during peacetime. It was also called Konida-oshi (literally "konida pusher") as its purpose was to carry konida forward.

Although it was a standard custom for each soldier to carry their own provisions, they were limited to carrying enough for only a few days since it was not practical to hinder the march by having them carry large loads. During longer battles, a Hyoro Bugyo was in charge of leading a Konidatai (caravan of men and animals carrying supplies) to transport provisions from the domain. They were also given the important task of securing provisions by buying rice and soybeans when necessary. Although these duties were originally given to the Okura Bugyo (the magistrate of a storehouse), the person who actually handled the provisions began to perform the work in order to adapt to circumstances.

Since swift horses were used on the front lines, a Konidatai was a troop with inferior mobility and fighting capability that carried provisions on daba (packhorses) and carts by ashigaru (common foot soldiers) and laborers (servicemen) levied from farming villages.

Even though a Konidatai troop was positioned at the rear of the army, there was a high possibility that it would be attacked by the enemy. The further the distance travelled in a campaign, the more important a Konidatai troop became, while also increasing the possibility of being attacked and the damage done to the army due to its loss. As a preventative measure, an accomplished roshin (key retainer) with a wealth of combat experience in rank with Musha bugyo (magistrate of warriors), who was often appointed in the organization of a Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lords in the Sengoku period) family, was given the task of protecting the transport of Konida from enemy armies rather than directly joining the battle in order to distinguish himself.

[Original Japanese]